
Children’s Art Exhibition 2025: A Canvas of Dreams

Picture frames of different children participant's

Amidst the vibrant swirls of crayons, the bold strokes of crayons, and the playful experiment of glitter, the Children’s Art Exhibition 2025, organized by the COG India Art Gallery is more than an art display, it’s a celebration of boundless imagination and young voices. Divided into two age groups, 4-8 years and 8-12 years. Though […]

Mobile Photography Exhibition 2025: Framing a New Era of Creativity

Photography exhibition by COG

A celebration of the ordinary that has become a remarkable milestone, the Mobile Photography Exhibition 2025 organized by COG India Art Foundation is all about. The inaugural edition of the exhibition has spurred an interest in mobile photography, that was being waived off from the mindset of the people. But here, among the glowing prints […]

Jamdani: The River Flows In You

Jamdani Saree Exhibition in Kolkata

Introduction April burst onto the city with an explosion of heat and hunger. The rains were quelled, the songs were parched, for there seemed to be no respite. And then, from the sixth of April there sprung a little turn unto 16 Lake Temple Road, Kolkata; and within it a world of soft, soothing riverine […]

The Artist Speaks In Three Colours: Solo exhibition of Mihir Kayal

Mihir Kayal Exhibition

On the very first evening of February, the Chhobi-o-Ghor Art Gallery opened its doors to reveal an acute study of India’s social landscape in Mihir Kayal’s solo exhibition ‘Three Colors’. In a striking departure from his usual style, Kayal brings us a sequence of dream-like paintings on canvas, colored in varying shades of blue, red, […]

A Little Exhibition in the Big City

A Little Exhibition in the Big City

A little gallery space tucked into a cul de sac off a lane opposite the most happening weekend destinations in South Kolkata, namely the South City Mall. That is where I went to see Misako Shine and Nilanjan Bandopadhyay’s little exhibition of paintings and calligraphy.   The word “little” evokes much more than “smallness” of […]

The Red and the Black : A landscape exhibition

Saikat Mondal Artist

Chhobi o Ghor has recently celebrated their one year birthday by launching an exhibition of ink landscapes curated by the founders Saikat Mondal and Ankita Roy. “Ink and You” by Saikat Mondal is an awe-inspiring exhibition that has deployed a very innovative stylistic heterodox approach to mobilize the audience and their personal interaction with art. […]

মাটির টানে

Ceramic black pottery

সেই কোন কালে কবি লিখেছিলেন – “মাটিতে জন্ম নিলাম মাটি তাই রক্তে মিশেছে।” সত্যই মাটি না থাকলে আমরাও নেই। মাটিই আমাদের নিকটতম এক মাধ্যম যা সাধারণ জন থেকে শুরু করে সৃষ্টিশীল শিল্পীর আত্মউন্মোচনের সুযোগ করে দেয়। এরকমই এক উচ্চমার্গের মৃৎশিল্প বা মাটিমাধ্যম হলো সেরামিক, যা প্রকৃতিজাত, মাটি থেকেই আমরা পেয়ে থাকি। যদিও এক্ষেত্রে ব্যবহৃত টেকনিকের […]

Art Invents Reality: Bappa Bhowmick’s Anecdote on Reality

Bappa bhowmick

Once George Orwell said, “Reality exists in the human mind and nowhere else”. The entire universe flows with its chronicle and that’s how society builds up. In our environment, everything exists from our perspective. Bhowmick, the eminent artist focuses light on the human condition through his detailed and evocative sketches and illustrations. His works offer […]

মিহির কয়ালের শিল্পকৃতি

Jamini by MIhir Kayal

 ছবি ও ঘর আর্ট গ্যালারিতে মিহির কয়ালের আটচল্লিশটি ছবির একক প্রদর্শনী হয়ে গেলো। স্নাতকোত্তর পাঠক্রম শেষ করার পর এটি তার একাদশতম প্রদর্শনী। এই পথে তিনি এক নিরলস অবিরাম যাত্রী। এবারের প্রদর্শনীটির নাম চয়ন করা হয়েছে ‘যামিনী’ অর্থাৎ এই অনুষঙ্গে মনে আসে রাত্রি-অন্ধকার-ছায়া-কালো। হয়তো সেই কারণে ছবিতে কালো ও ঘন রঙের প্রাধান্য চোখে পড়ে।   মিহিরের […]

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