
Mrittika - মৃত্তিকা

Ceramic Art
Date: March 15, 2023
- March 26, 2023

Place: Chhobi-o-Ghor Art Gallery

Concept Note

Chhobi-o-Ghor Art gallery is thrilled to present Mrittika - মৃত্তিকা , an exciting exhibition of ceramic art, sculpture, and crockeries. This exhibition features the creative works of talented artists Debajit Chakraborty, Jhuma Kundu (Dimpi), Souvik Das, Asish Chowdhury, and Sudipta Saha.
Mrittika is a unique blend of creativity and skill, showcasing the artists' mastery of ceramics as a medium. With their creativity and imagination, each piece of ceramic is a work of art that is both beautiful and functional. The exhibition is curated by Samita Nag, an eminent art critic and artist.
From March 15 to March 26, 2023, you can experience the beauty and wonder of Mrittika at Chhobi-o-Ghor Art gallery. The gallery is open from 3 pm to 8 pm every day except Tuesday, and it is located at 16 Lake Temple road in Kolkata-29. Come and immerse yourself in this fascinating exhibition of ceramic art, sculpture, and crockeries that will leave you breathless.


Asish Chowdhury
Title: Goat
Asish Chowdhury
Title: Durga
Title: I enjoy frustration
Title: Mahamaya

Photo gallery

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