Presence and Absence: Expression through Contrasts

The Night Watch

Dramatic intensity, realism and grandeur. This distinct theatricality of art with a sense of movement, intrigue and tension has been achieved through an assortment of artistic themes and visual strategies. The technique of chiaroscuro notably associated with Baroque art revolutionised visual composition altogether. When discussing Italian art, the term sometimes means painted images in monochrome. […]

A Little Exhibition in the Big City

A Little Exhibition in the Big City

A little gallery space tucked into a cul de sac off a lane opposite the most happening weekend destinations in South Kolkata, namely the South City Mall. That is where I went to see Misako Shine and Nilanjan Bandopadhyay’s little exhibition of paintings and calligraphy.   The word “little” evokes much more than “smallness” of […]

Mughal Miniatures ; a narration

Akbar restraints Hawa’i by Basawan and Chatar ; 1590

 The Mughals were perhaps the first in Indian history to introduce a plentitude of illustrations documenting a visual record of activities such as the court life , hunting , etc. Emperor Humayun while in exile , had invited Persian artists Abd us- Samad and Mir Sayyid Ali to set up a royal workshop or Karkhana […]

Indigenism : The Modern Indian Artist’s Dilemma

Bhupen Khakhar

“….he(Indian artist) has to go through the school of world art. But to become a genuine artist he is not allowed to forget or suppress his racial and nationalist way of seeing, feeling, and shaping – he has to be an Indian artist or nothing at all. In the end his painting will be different […]

Gaganendranath Tagore: the epitome of fluid conjunction in Indian Art

The Indian Cubist

Gaganendranath Tagore was the only Indian painter, who accepted and utilised the structurality and vernacularity of cubism until 1940s. Eclecticism had always been the key to strategies modernism and whenever Indian modern art is taken into consideration, it is evident through the contributions of Indian modern artists that they always preferred eclecticism to belligerent originality. […]

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